Sunday, October 31, 2004

We're in day 2 of "How long does it take for Prashant to notice that this blog has been reactived?"

Of course, I will be lenient with him: my colleague is in the midst of preparation for the most important test of his life. No, nothing health related (me thinks he be too young for a prostate probe), I trust his body is performing at optimum levels. Rather, he is currently studying for the Graduate Record Examination.

However, let's leave him to his devices, vocab lists, math equations and writing modules, as I'm sure he's revelling in his brief return to academia.

Instead, let's turn our attention to more important issues. Not the election (neither of us will vote on Tuesday, and despite our strong political beliefs, I really can't be fucked to add anymore anaylsis, commentary to it anymore - What Happense Will Happen.) Not anything from my personal life, cause quite honestly, its boring. And who really wants to read about what I had for dinner or breakfast, or who's my latest infatuation etc. etc. etc.

Actually, let's look at the whole culture of nosiness.... from reality TV shows, to personal blogs, to websites peddling up-skirt photo wares, voyeurism is running strong in our society. I will admit, I am voyeuristic. Sitting at some cafe in a crowded city, I enjoy watching people. People moving from point A to point B, people yakking endlessly to some mysterious party on their latest cellular device, people picking their noses, scratching their asses, adjusting
undergarments, people just being people.

People being there's a novel concept.

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