Friday, October 29, 2004


Look at that date... Saturday, August 21 2004. That's 69 days.... a lot can happen in that time. Unfortunately that's not what happened here, at least in my case. I'm just plain lazy. No way about it.

However, even I'm disgusted at the lack of literary output being ascribed on this here blog. It is a shame in particular, since I write everyday in my professional life. I work in words, crafting them into the sentences, that tell my story. But as conceited an ass I am, I have come to realize that as a result of writing constantly, day after day, I haven't been reading as much.

But enough about my sorry life, let's perk things up a bit and talk about politics. Bush or Kerry? It is quite amazing to see a country practically split right up the middle. All this talk about swing states and the Electoral college, thrilling stuff. ... Runs shivers down my spine...seriously though, this year will prove to be monumental I'm sure. History will look back at 2004 and marvel (or bemoan) the spectacle that was our annum.

If you don't believe me, let's just wait and see how the world is on November 3. We've already survived one apocalypse, but can we do two?

As a sign off, let's see how long it takes before Prashant realizes that I've started writing the blog again?

I say 9 days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...